Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)

RAS – Recirculating Aquaculture System allows :

  • to improve the productivity and profitability of a fish farm by controlling breeding parameters
  • drastically reduce the use of new water

Water in the tanks is recirculated by pumps through mechanical filtration, biological filtration, CO2 degassing and oxygen dissolution equipments. The parameters of the RAS are controlled by multiple analyzers.

FOX France Oxygenation offers RAS in partnership with two North-American companies: Aquacare Environment Inc. and JLH Consulting Inc.

Contact your aquaculture expert for more information or for a quote request.

FOX France Oxygénation

10 Résidence de Kerdostin
29800 Saint-Urbain – France

Cell. +33 (0)6 45 89 37 01

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